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Benefits of Strawberry

Benefits of Strawberry
The superb health edges of antioxidant-rich strawberries will embody improved heart health, higher brain operate, increased eye and skin health, and relief from high pressure, arthritis, and gout. The polyphenolic content of strawberries makes them helpful for up the system, serving to to stop varied kinds of cancers, and cut back the signs of premature aging.
What is Strawberry?
A strawberry (Fragaria) may be a sweet, red cordate fruit, which is much-loved for its delicious taste and for its nutritional benefits. [1] Native to many parts of the world, it belongs to the rose family and has a distinct aroma. Despite its name, a strawberry isn't a berry from a botanic point of view. It is associate degree mixture fruit, which implies that the fleshy half isn't derived from the plant ovaries. Instead, every visible seed covering its outside is borne from one among the ovaries of the flower. Also, the strawberry leaves are often eaten up raw, cooked, or even used to make an antioxidant-rich strawberry tea.
Strawberries grow in bushes and square measure seasonal fruits that conjointly boost your health. There are three types:
June-bearing strawberries
Everbearing strawberries
Day-neutral strawberry variety

The anti-inflammatory power of the antioxidants in strawberries helps reduce the formation of blood clots that are linked with stroke. Dr. Michael Murphy and Dr. Thomas Krieg from the University of Cambridge, UK discovered during their research [7] that chemicals called malonate esters help stop organ damage and prevents blood clots. The research indicates that malonate esters are naturally available in strawberries, apples, and grapes.
Help Prevent Cancer
Vitamin C, folate, anthocyanins, quercetin, and kaempferol ar simply a couple of of the numerous flavonoids in strawberries that act as wonderful antioxidants. [8] Together, they form a strong line of defense to fight cancer and tumor growth. Research published in the journal Antioxidants showed that colorectal cancer was inhibited in mice that were given a strawberry-enriched diet for 13 weeks. Furthermore, the daily intake of strawberries is connected to a drastic reduction in the presence and metastasis of cancer cells. A study [9] done by experts from The Ohio State University showed that freeze-dried strawberry powder has the potential to prevent esophageal cancer.
Boost Brain Function
Strawberries ar wealthy in iodine, vitamin C, and phytochemicals, that facilitate maintain the correct functioning of the systema nervosum. [10] Potassium, also in strawberries, has been linked to an improved cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain. Furthermore, research by Elizabeth E. Devore, ScD (Harvard Medical School) et al. [11] shows that higher consumption of flavonoids, particularly from blueberries and strawberries, reduced rates of cognitive decline in older people.
Skin Care
Strawberries contain hydroxy acid, alpha acid (AHA), and ellagic acid, that cut back physiological condition, stop skin disease, and take away dead skin cells. [12] In fact, a study conducted in Europe suggests that strawberry-based formulations for cosmetic purposes can protect the skin against UV-induced damage. [13] Using strawberry masks regularly can keep the skin fresh and clean.

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